Friday, August 1, 2008


Judge Stan Blake tossed Rudy Sorondo* and his client- the SAO out of the State Public Defender case in which the PD seeks not to accept any more cases during the budget crisis. However, Judge Blake allowed ASA Don Horn to cross Bennett Brummer. The title to the post links to the DBR Article which has a audio clip from the cross:

"Q: You were late today?
A: Yes. I don't get to court often and forgot where the hearing was."

(* Rick Freedman points out in the comments section that Sorondo was conflicted out prior to the hearing because his firm did work for the Pds. But the sentiment remains the same- The SAO has no standing in this matter. "Just shut up and file your cases", as it were. Anyway, like a good robed reader, why should we let facts stand in the way of a good post? "Sometimes wrong but never in doubt." That's out motto)

David Markus's Federal Fight Blog is frozen!
Longtime and careful readers of this blog will remember when right after our blog was hacked that Google froze the blog as being a spam blog. It took about ten days of negotiating with Google to get it unfrozen. Mr. Markus has sent us an email indicating the same thing has happened to him. He will be back and please be patient.

In this story the Herald joins the fray over our constant complaints over the unreliability of eyewitness identification. Better late than never. Their solution: hire more PDs. 

You can read one of our previous posts on the issue HERE

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