The day our wonderful robed readers will find out if they have opposition. Will the summer be spent knocking off around 3PM and squeezing in a round of golf or a massage at the Four Seasons on Brickell (we highly recommend their spa) or trudging to endless chicken dinners at such hot spots as the Hialeah Kiwanis Club or the evening card rooms at Aventura condos?
Like the German Atlantic wall (and we are ever mindful of the problems we ran into the last time we used a WWII analogy) Judges have their hired guns- political consultants, lawyer-friends, and the rumor is one even hired new Dolphin Offensive Lineman Jake Long- manning the wall in Tallahassee. These politicos are ready, willing, and able to tackle if necessary any challenger who marches up at the last minute to file their papers to run against a particular Judge.
If you haven't seen it, it is a spectacle not to be missed.

Gary Cooper in High Noon it is not.
And yet, at high noon, ask not dear robed readers for whom the bell tolls, because for some of you, it tolls for thee.
Think March of the Penguins, plus the 1st and 29th Infantry Divisions landing at Omaha Beach, with a little of WWW wrestling thrown in for good measure.
People laugh. People cry and beg. Promises are made by these political consultants that they can never keep: "I'll make you a Judge next election guaranteed. Pick your spot. Third DCA? You got it, just don't file against my county court judge." There are scuffles, and shouts, and more cell phone usage than a Britney Spears appearance outside of a Hollywood courtroom.
Check this blog for updates throughout the day, handled in a most capable fashion by El Capitan.
See You In Court Monday, where some Judge who is sleeping soundly tonight, will be sitting there with a very sour face Monday morning, the bell having tolled for them.
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