UPDATE: (off blog) Rest In Peace George Carlin. You made us laugh. GEORGE CARLIN
The NY Times calls him "Splenetic" ( a word we've never used)
Before we get to Mr. Corona's response, longtime and careful readers of the blog will note the addition on the side panel. Through intensive work and negotiations with the chaps at Google, we now bring you our favourite blogs, with a "snippet" of the latest entry. You will note that the order of the list will change with the blog with the most current update at the top of the list.
All part of the service we who labour here seek to provide to you, our dear readers.
A belated "thank you" to Broward Columnist Mike Mayo who reprinted (with our permission) our Reply to Mike Mayo "Welcome to Our World" in its entirety on his blog
On with the show:
Ricardo Corona :
Kindly post this on your blog.
There was never any allegation of money laundering at Sunshine State Bank. I HAVE NEVER LAUNDERED MONEY OR FINANCED ANY DRUG TRANSACTION AND CHALLENGE ANYONE TO PROVE OTHERWISE. I have never been indicted or entered into any plea or cooperation agreement. I have the detailed Order/Findings from the Administrative Law Judge, a 100 page document, that goes through each allegation of the FDIC which involved me and/or the bank and bears this out. This was a separate proceeding from the criminal case involving my brother and father (I was not a part of that criminal proceeding). The administrative law judge took testimony from dozens of witnesses and created a 14,000 page record of the proceedings. The ALJ decision was never published because the proceedings were confidential at the time and includes details of customers, etc. That Decision is 24 years old and I am willing to share it with you.
It is unfair that you allow unsubstantiated anonymous allegations of money laundering and criminal charges against me. If the author of these posts is related to my opponent it would be a breach of ethics to use these lies and your blog to circulate this. I ask that you require a post of this kind to substantiate these charges prior to posting and/or identify him/herself so that you do not collude with the unethical and actionable circulation of these false and libelous charges.
I have been in business here for close to 40 years. I have developed property for over 200 residential units, owned supermarkets that had sales in excess of $100 million, employed several hundred individuals and had scores of suppliers not to mention my banking experience. My family built and operated several local banks aside from Sunshine and we provided financing for many of the businesses and business leaders that are the foundation of this community. Any and all lawsuits and legal issues that I have been involved with were reviewed and scrutinized by the Florida Bar before I was admitted. They obviously found no issue in any of those proceedings that negatively impacts my character. I applied to the Bar after all these issues that are being discussed took place.
I did not run or wither when I stood and fought the federal government. Whoever thinks that I will wither, run or not fight now has grossly underestimated me.
As you like to say, see you in court.
Ricardo Corona
The morning read for Friday, March 7
[image: The morning read for Friday, March 7]Each weekday, we select a
short list of news articles and commentary related to the Supreme Court.
Here’s th...
1 day ago
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