Friday, June 27, 2008


Today (Friday) is Judge Jeffrey Rosinek's last day on the bench. 
It's been quite a ride. We will miss him, as will all of Dade County. We are diminished by his absence.

Stop by today and shake his hand; wish him well in retirement and while you're there, drop off a cheque for Friends Of Drug Court.

Speaking of retired judges....


Just when you thought it was safe to walk into a courtroom on the 4th floor comes word that everyone's favourite retired Judge, Rick Margolius is back running the show. 

No talking in court. (He once held a hearing impaired man and his translator in contempt for signing to each other while court was in session.)

Plea colloquies that make your client feel about two inches tall  ("so you're admitting to being a thief huh?")

Rants and raves not seen in this building since the old days.

We know there must be some good Margolius stories out there, so let's hear them.

UPDATE: An alert reader sent us his website. Enjoy

And just so you know what we really think, despite the sneering,  the chiding, the pondering out loud of lengthy prison sentences, Rick Margolius was always one judge you could count on to make the correct decision, consequences be damned.  If you caught the cop lying, he called him a liar, pure and simple. If granting a motion damaged an important case, he could care less. He called them as he saw them. And in the end, isn't that what you really want in a Judge?

See You In Court, just not in certain courts if our client is going to take a plea, if you know what we mean. 

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