Wednesday, July 2, 2008



BILL  "The Brawler" BARZEE 
Punches; headlocks. Read all about it on David Markus's Federal Fight Blog

Rumpole says: You know, we've often thought that there needed to be little more civility and professionalism in Federal Court. Like we have here in the REGJB. And this just proves our point. Perhaps like the Judges North of The Border, it's time for the Federal Lawyers to take a course in sensitivity training. 

And now....on with the show.

Regulars to the REGJB may have noticed that in the last few weeks at least one, and usually two escalators have been out of service. This has been going on much longer than the usual day or two it takes for the highly trained repair crews to fix an escalator. 

And now Rumpole knows why. 

In a Justice Building Blog Exclusive, we (at great personal expense and some personal risk) bring you the daily work schedule of the Otis Escalator repair crews:

9:45 Arrive at REGJB and look for parking

10:15 Park. 

10:20 Arrive at REGJB security line.

10:40 Clear security and enter building.

10:45 Begin work.

11:15 mid morning coffee break.

11: 30 Resume work.

12:15 Lunch Break

1:30 Return to REGJB. 

1:40 Clear security and begin work.

2:00 Crew meeting to discuss daily progress.

2:15 Resume work.

2:45 Mid afternoon coffee break.

3:15  Resume work. 

3:30 Fill out written reports on work progress.

3:45 Resume work.

4:00 10 minute personal break ( 1 per day. Union Rules).

4:10 Resume work.

4:30 End work for the day. 

There you have it folks. Our government contractors in action.

This is 100% true: Alert readers will have noticed that the escalator work crews have put up construction siding that contain this bit of information:
"United Technologies of Otis. First in Safety First in Service...
(and Rumpole adds) 
"Last in speed and efficiency."

Running up and down the stairs is fun. What we can't understand is how the chief judges have missed a golden opportunity: knowing that the escalators will be down, how have they managed not to schedule extra cases? Maybe a combined  traffic and felony blitz is just what we need in the heat of the summer to really have some fun. 

In any event we have it on good authority that the escalators will be repaired and fully functional by July 7.

July 7, 2009 that is.

See You In Court.

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