UPDATED: Just to let you dear readers know that we do not have a high opinion of our abilities, we are going to leave up our incorrect spelling of the state song, so as to give those readers in the comments section the glory they are entitled to.
Maybe the legislature can devote time and money to a "how to spell the river in our state song" program.
Very quietly there is a revolution going on North of the Border as more sitting judges have received opposition this year than any time in recent memory. We don’t know most of the Judges or candidates for that matter, but check out the Broward Blog for the latest happenings.
The Federal Blog had “gavel to gavel coverage” of the second hung jury in the Liberty Six trial. David Markus posited the question of how many juries unable to make a decision does it take for the Government to recognize that they do not possess proof beyond a reasonable doubt?
Just for the fun of it, and we will award a valuable prize, email us your predictions for the top ten picks in this Saturday’s NFL draft. We will post ours by next Friday.
Over on the Supreme Court Blog SCOTUS
they are examining the extent of appellate review for convictions on military trials at Guantanamo.
Here is our question: if the next president closes Guantanamo down, where do they send these guys? Do they just spread them out over the entire federal prison system?
The SCOTUS blog also has this little snippet:
On Monday, the Court is scheduled to hear argument in Sprint Communications v. APCC Services (07-552), involving Article III standing in a dispute over pay phone fees...
Query: how did a “pay phone/Article III” dispute get past the “Original Intent” gang of Thomas, Scalia and Alito” and make it on to the docket? We mean, phones were free in 1796 right?
For those of you that care (and we don’t) Swanee River will remain the our State’s song. The Herald has all the details here on the new SWANEE RIVER .
Apparently the Legislature is going to keep the song, but update the lyrics. Yup, now they’re writing songs instead of laws in Tallahassee, which if you think about the spread of minimum mandatory sentences lately, is not necessarily a bad thing.
Nice to know our elected politicians in Tallahassee are working on the serious problems. The cut in funds for stupid things like Emergency Room visits at Miami Children’s Hospital or home health care for the elderly. Those problems can wait until we resolve these song issues.
And word reaches us from the Sun Sentinel that a top trial lawyer in the West Palm Beach State Attorneys Office has resigned to go into private practice. Patrick McKamey resigned citing the effects on his office of the State wide budget cuts that are about to go into effect. But, those same lawmakers who passed the budget are re-writing Swanee River, so things can’t be so bad right?
See You In Court...."Way down upon the Swanee River..."
The morning read for Friday, March 7
[image: The morning read for Friday, March 7]Each weekday, we select a
short list of news articles and commentary related to the Supreme Court.
Here’s th...
1 day ago
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