Spring is here.
Easter has come and gone. The Jewish holiday of Passover approaches.
Children are on spring break; flowers are blooming; love is in the air.
The Pope is using this season of joy and renewal to visit the United States.
Yesterday the United States Supreme Court approved the use of lethal injections as a means of executing anyone Dick Cheney doesn't agree with.
With alacrity not seen in Florida Government since the race to sue the tobacco companies, the Florida Attorney General barely finished reading the opinion from the Supreme Court when he began to schedule executions.
NPR reported this week that the top 5 countries who execute people are:
China: About 600 have been verified for last year, but Amnesty International believes the number could approach 5,000.
Saudi Arabia.
And Texas (with the rest of the United States tagging along.)
Ahhh.... the company we as a nation keep. Nothing like having our legal system right up there with China and Saudi Arabia's. The pride the Department Of Justice and prosecutors all over the nation must feel now they they have the green light to do their level best to compete with China.
After all trade and energy should not be the only areas we compete with the Chinese.
To paraphrase Justice Thomas's concurring opinion: "kill em all, let the good lord sort em out."
The morning read for Friday, March 7
[image: The morning read for Friday, March 7]Each weekday, we select a
short list of news articles and commentary related to the Supreme Court.
Here’s th...
1 day ago
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