Monday, July 7, 2008


Miami Herald article Sunday (new feature: the title of the post links to the article) catching up with what we all know:

That former Judges Marilyn Milian, David Young; Alex Ferrer; Cristina Pereyra- Shuminer and Karen Mills-Francis all have television shows where they play a Judge on TV.

Must be something in the water at the REGJB. Or the asbestos.

News flash for the Herald: Truman beats Dewey. Really.

Lets see. What else?

President Bush is going to China for the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. The largest communist country on earth is apparently not a sponsor of terrorism. Just oppression. Ask the Dali Lama.

John McCain's new plan to win the white house involves hiring a majority of Americans to actually work on his campaign.

There are rumours that Ford and GM are considering bankruptcy, and we live in a time when Starbucks has a larger market capitalization than GM. Astounding.
Here's the NY Times Article on Oil. We were warned since the gas lines of the 1970's about oil running out. And GM and Ford responded by building SUV's. Here's a neat fact: the next time you are in County Court and a prosecutor tells you that you have no idea what you're doing, remember that they were probably NOT EVEN BORN when we had our first gas crisis in the early 1970's.


See You In Court, studying the Metro Rail map of Miami.

PS. Stop by the Federal Fight Blog and wish them a happy Third Birthday.

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