Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Longtime and careful readers of the blog know our deep and abiding affection if not outright love for the courthouse and its denizens north of the border. Not. 

Check out the post on the Broward Blog entitled "Broweird." (the title of the post links to the blog article) 

A statue of Florida Governor Napoleon Bonaparte Broward  stands in the hallway to the entrance to the new wing of the courthouse. Against this bronze behemoth  we have often banged our head in frustration having once again been "browarded" by a judge up there- be it having our client's bond revoked for getting a speeding ticket, or some other Broward nonsense. 

Now, posted on the Broward blog, comes word that ol' Napoleon Broward was....(steady now) an avowed racist.  

Broward judges want to send every client who comes before them to state prison. Napoleon Broward just wanted to send all African Americans to a colony purchased for them for the purposes of keeping the races pure and separate. Since most defendants  Broward Judges send to prison are African American, perhaps the statue is a good thing, as it appears Napoleon Bonaparte Broward is getting his wish, albeit a hundred or so years later than he wanted. 

Why are we not surprised that of all the possible persons significant in the history of Florida and this nation, that the powers that be  north of the border put a statute of a racist in their courthouse?

Of course they named the whole damn county after this racist, so why would anyone be surprised at anything that happens up there? 

See you in court, just not in certain courts, and now you know why. 

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